Three tips can help stop moths that you may not know

Previously you maybe have already read the article about how to store winter wool sweater to keep it safe from moths. And that article do not expresses all the points that can help stop moths. In addition, here are three more tips that can also help you prevent and even kill moths.

Tips 1 Freeze the wool sweater. Freezing temperatures can kill any moth eggs or larvae in your wool sweater. You can use a freezer in a pinch if necessary.
Tips 2 Sprinkle the wool sweaters with black pepper. Wrap in


paper or put into a bag and the moths will be deterred. No moths can resist this kind of pepper.
Tips 3 Try to put cedar  blocks in with your wool sweaters. Moths don't like cedar and will keep away from its scent. In fact, many wise house housewives have already know this tip to against moths and it indeed has good effect to protect your wool sweaters.