Do you know about the history of silk?

The silk industry derived from China which has a long history ; It is said that over 4000 years ago in the Yellow Emperor Period, the government began to “teach the people to raise the silkworm and to use the silk to make clothes”; In 119B.C, when Zhang Qian was sent to visit the Western Regions as an envoy for the second time, he introduced the magnificent silk from the East into the western and the road along which he went to Western regions became famous for the silk, it was so called the Silk Road. This famous Silk Road has performed immortal feats for carrying forward China’s civilization and promoting the civilization and progress in the world.


During the Meiji Restoration, Japan took the silk industry as the major economic pillar and developed the silk industry in a vigorous way. The basic technical system of silk industry in modern times has been established in Japan in 1930s, which was reputed as the extremely meritorious industry in Japan. In recent half a century, the silk industry has otherwise been of declining influence in Japan and it is getting much too late to get the past glory.